Hey, can someone let me know if this works?
Thanks, Tracy
hey, can someone let me know if this works?.
thanks, tracy
Hey, can someone let me know if this works?
Thanks, Tracy
good morning fellow servants of the lord, and welcome!
lets all stand and sing song number #666 "our merciful god" .
*passes really big collection plate* .
Nancy Drake my little sheep,So, am I being ousted from the church of Gumby on account of my nyphomania? Funny thing, my boyfriend never considered this unfortunate condition a "disability."How did I know you'd have something to say about the male testicles? Did you hear anything else I said? Perhaps you need two cold showers.
(BTW, Please withdraw your member my membership.)
just to say hello.
been lurking awhile.nice site!
will tell my story real soon.
Welcome to JWD, Bonnzo! Can't wait to hear your story!
JWD is the greatest collection of humans I've ever met. And with every person that logs on and says "Hi, I'm new" it just gets that much better.
Dave, that statement is just so kind....and true!
i'm discouraged.... i took these pictures about 1 hour ago...... .
this should be all melted may 1st....
Holy crap JH,
What part of Wisconsin are you from???
I'm in Milwaukee, and we didn't get dumped like that! I'm jealous...I LOVE snow!!!
how's things with you?
it's been an eventful week for many of us with much sadness for some.
we send sympathy to mulan and big red, steve and princess.
18. Because articles such as "When Cows Go on Vacation", "When Oranges Are Not Orange," and "What's So Wrong With Phone Sex?" have reached their climax of imperative information...and to try to live up to this TWO times a month is just too much...
i now enjoy telling people about the things jehovah's witnesses can and cannot do.
for instance, witnesses can work in a store that sells lottery tickets and tobacco but they can't own the store themselves.....whole blood is forbidden to be transfused yet blood fractions are acceptable.
donating blood in any form is wrong but accepting blood fractions is a conscience matter.........can you think of other jw oddities????
to add to JTPink's...
You can stand for the pledge of allegiance and be silent, but you can't stand for the national anthem.
for the longest time i was afraid to see it, and when i did i have to admit i felt 'weird', anyone else feel this way.
I love to watch scary movies, but I can't watch them by myself! I have a VERY overactive imagination that runs away with me after I've seen a frightening flick. I have still been known to say "jehovah jehovah jehovah jehovah!" even thought I'm not a JW anymore, and even thougth I seriously doubt it works....
Welcome to the board, Pwned!
good morning fellow servants of the lord, and welcome!
lets all stand and sing song number #666 "our merciful god" .
*passes really big collection plate* .
Brother Onenut will no longer be singing tenor in the choir.
Mind-blowing oration, as usual, Rev...
i'm so angry right now.
i got everything set up to order tickets for santana w/ los lonely boys at the marcus amphitheater for summerfest.
it's fun to do things like this with our kids.
You are such a loving mother to want to do stuff like this with them!!
seems there are a lot of picture topics flying around lately, so here's another which i often think about when trying to imagine the people behind the posts i read.
is there anyone in particular whose posts you read and would like to see a picture of?
I wanna see EVERYBODY and then I want a brain that can keep them all straight so I can see the right person in my minds eye whenever they post. And I would like to be able to remember everyone's personal stories because they are all so amazing and important...~Merry
That is just such a loving comment. I have a hard time keeping people straight on here, too!